Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Berita bahasa inggris, english news,

Listening Duty
Subyan / E /III
1.      Thusday, September 2012 / 01:00 am.
Suny Ugoh as director of communication . human right watch accuses rebels of recruiting hund reds of children, fighter in mali accused of stoning a couple of adultery in mali allowed west afri can alliance to send droops, and right group in mali have communited serious abused, over there used murdor up loging and amputation as punishment. Rebells have implied Islamic low.                               (Al- Jazeera/Headlines).
2.      Thusday, 27 September 2012/01:30 am.
India has unique culture, Indian hold competation, that is snake baot in Newdelhi river, in one boat there are a hundred man and the regulation of that competation, the committee take one winner in one section.
(NHK Word/Newsline).
3.      Wednesday, 26 Septembar 2012/18:15 pm.
Boost for trade talk : the Austerity race in spain, in that Austerity between race and other. Race fight each other that police breake up afight, however from one of race do not receive it and  they fight witht police. There are four teen people are injured in that fighting .(NHK Word/Newsline).
4.      Thusday, 27 September 2012/00:30 am.
Cilodong – Depok is legalized as a place to shoting practice and that is the first time, (TVRI Nasional/Englishnew).
5.      Thusday, 27 September 2012/00:45 am.
Indonesian Archeology, Wahyu Suptomo has found different human spacies in the cave and Wahyu do research to species and Wahyu ask to villager elder (Multias Saru) people who life beside the cave.(Al-Jazeera inte/Headlines).

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